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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Zombie Movie Rating System

I have come up with a system of how to rate zombie movies, which is what I'll use for all future reviews and lists (such as the 10 best zombie movies from my own perspective). The ratings for each category will go from 1 (the worst)-10 (the best). At the end I'll give a rating for the movie as a whole, usually whichever numbers I gave each category. So, if there were more 3's than anything else, I'll give the movie a 3 rating. Here are the criteria:

Any good movie will have a strong story. Does the story make sense? Were the plot points used to the story's full advantage, or did the plot fail?

Continuity can be a major factor in movies because if something is out of place story-wise, it can interrupt the flow of the film. This includes small things, like what a character is wearing between a conversation in a scene. Sometimes little hiccups occur, however, it is distracting to say the least.

Characterization is just as important as story because strong characters that the audience cares about is what any good movie should strive for. Did the characters go well with the storyline, and what could have been done to make the story better?

This is a big one. You need strong actors in order for the characters to be played to their full extent. When the acting is horrible, it takes away from characterization and story, resulting in a big disappointment.

This category I've decided to have on its own from gore. How violent was the movie, squeamish, or mediocre?

This category has been separated from violence. How much blood and guts were there in the movie? Squeamish, or mediocre?

Nudity and Sex
In many zombie movies it is inevitable for some of the characters, especially females, to strip down to nothing and do sex scenes. For me, this is a gimmick that has nothing to do with the story, which is why I hate it. They add that stuff in to get people to watch it, which is a shame, because if the crew had done their job making a strong storyline with strong characters, they wouldn't have to add in all this nonsense in the first place. It's sort of my pet peeve with all movies and TV series that focus on gratuitous nudity.

Special Effects
This category is for all the extra stuff such as explosions, bodies being blasted apart, ect. Was it realistic, or could you tell it was fake? Did you see the tubes filled with fake blood behind a person's head? Was the arm that was chopped off a mannequin's arm? Something the effects of even the older movies are better than what they can do with a computer these days.

This category is for the zombies themselves. Was the job the make-up department good quality, or an absolute mess (in the bad way)?

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