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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Happy Belated Birthday Prince William!

First off, somebody really does not know their math! For one thing, Prince William was born one month and nine days after me within the same year.  I just turned 30, so how in the world can Prince William be 31?! Impossible! So let's get that clear. Prince William turned 30 yesterday, not 31 like the press is claiming. See, the one media outlet reports something and most of the others follow suit. Ha!

Prince William is one of  my very distant cousins through my mom's side of the family, so it's cool he was born a month after I was, and we have the same first name. Then Prince William and I are both related to not only the other royal family members, but also almost all the U.S. presidents and even Winston Churchill. Pretty cool, right? I'm sure if anybody asked him about Clan Leslie of Scotland, he'd know who they were talking about, because they are the common link between Prince William and myself.

Here's hoping you have an amazing birthday weekend Prince William! I know you're stuck at a wedding and all, but I hope you will take some time for yourself and have an awesome time, though not as awesome as your brother had in Las Vegas ha ha!

Correction: It seems I was wrong and I am 31! Not sure how that ended up happening, unless everybody else, including the calculator was wrong? lol!

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